Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Guess who's back in town, stomping around in my own stomping ground!"

Man it has been a loooooooooooooong time!!!!!!  I dunno why I've waited so long to blog 'cause I  have been doing stuff... I think I just get in these funks where I'm not really determined to do much, so a lot of things like exercise, scripture study, blogging, social lifes, they seem to start lacking.  Not something that I'm proud of, but it's what I've discovered.  But let's see what has happened in the last 2 months..  Our lease here at our house is up in August, and our landlord informed us that his daughter will be moving in so we have to find a new place.  We've been looking like crazy but are pretty sure we found a duplex we like.  I would love to live more in the country but my roommate doesn't wanna drive real far for work and school so we found a place about 8 minutes from where we live now.  Speaking of school, I applied for FASFA and am hoping to go to the community college in January to finish up that horrid  math class and finally have my AA by May!  This means that I'm not going to be working a lot when I'm taking that class.  Anyways, so we went to look at the duplex and the people next door were moving out so I was like perfect, let's talk to them and see how the neighborhood is.  It was a couple in there 60's, and they were moving out her mother, who was 91 and just raved about the place.  After we looked at the side that we originally planned to look at, we went back over to their side and did a walk through, and LOVED it!!!!
So we got application forms and are hoping to get that duplex instead and move in August.  We also have been looking on Craigslist for furniture and just bought some today!  It was 350$ for a couch, love seat and a recliner... I thought it was quite it a good deal!  All I need to get now is a bed and I'm set!  ha ha Not gonna lie, I'm real excited to finally have a real bed and feel like a semi adult again  ha ha our new place is 2 story and the master bedroom is downstairs, which I believe I'm going to be getting, it's 2 1/2 bathrooms, there's a den and a sun room, plus 3 storage units in the backyard and I think we're gonna rent them out and use that money for utilities.
 As long as we pass the credit check, which I do have a roommate who has a criminal background, just possession, but we should be fine.  Anyways, on to activities I've done lately... They had CMA Fest, which is a four day event with concerts everywhere and a bunch of fan activities.  I couldn't go to much of it because of work, but I did volunteer for a day, and I was an artist Escort.

Here's me and my friend on the pedestrian bridge that leads over from LP Field to downtown Nashville.  It's a good little walk.    I escorted these 3 sisters from Australia called the McClymonts.  Real nice girls, mouths like sailors that's for sure ha ha .  There were a lot of up and coming artists there so that was cool to see them.  My friend got to escort one of the girls from Little Big Town and hang out with them the whole time. So after the parade, we went down to RiverFront Stage and watched Little Big Town.  That is the stage that I went to the whole time.  I had some great pictures on my phone, but I had to get a new phone, and since I got an IPhone, I couldn't transfer my memory card.  Oh well, that is one of my goals, to print off all these pictures.  I did get to finally see Dustin Lynch play live and oh my gosh he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone has talked to me in the last year, you'll know how much I LOVE Dustin Lynch!!  He was soooo good live!! and I totally....
GOT HIS PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was soooooooo excited 'cause it was like the only one he threw out!!! oh yup!!!  Anyways,  those were a good couple days that I was able to go to!!  I went to visit my friend Taylor down in Alabama and it was so much fun to just hang out with her and have a girls day....  Definitely wish she lived closer but now I just have an excuse to go down there!!  Speaking of friends,  I taught Relief Society and afterwards this girl came up to me and thanked me for my lesson.  She's just visiting for a month and she wants to hang out so I invite her to go dancing with me on Wednesday and it's one of the best decisions I've made since being here.  It has been soooooooooo fun having her here!  Her name's Sarah..  She's here vising

family for a month.  This was our first adventure out to Riverstone Saloon to go country dancing.  She LOVES taking pictures and I think it's such a great idea because she takes so many that they tell the story of the nights ha ha.... She has such a fun spirit about her and really lives and takes life to the fullest... she's not afraid of anything, not afraid to talk to anyone, to do anything... Having her here has allowed me to do so much that I've wanted to do, just not by myself.  so anyways we meet some guys at Riverstone and we're just talking to them in the parking lot and these boys are straight up rednecks... real nice and fun to hang out with but straight rednecks.... the pictures will tell.....

This is on the back of Wilkes truck, yes named after John Wilkes Booth.  He has two huge confederate flags that he puts in the back of this truck and drives around with.. as you can see.. That is Wilkes and me on his old truck, that I actually loved a lot...

This is Johnny and me..... one funny, funny kid..
This is Josh... totally out of it...Redneck
and this is me and the 3 boys on the back of Josh's truck

This is the sunrise that I watched from the back of Josh's truck....  if you wanna know what happened that night, just listen to Luke Bryan's, "I Don't Want This Night To End."  It's a pretty accurate description, not everything, but a good amount :)  I'll stop this blog with this night....

Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' life & lovin' it, from the South)