Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Living in a Moment you may never see again"

Another concert post?!  Are y'all really that surprised?!  ha ha I didn't think so!! This time it was Jerrod Neimann, Chris Young, and Miranda Lambert.  I've wanted to see Miranda perform for a while now so I was excited when I saw that she added Nashville to her lineup... which let me just say is the first time she's ever come to tour through Nashville.  So I was pretty pumped to see her, not as excited for Eric Church though ha ha ... My friend Afton and I drive by the front to see how many people are there and then we were planning on grabbing some snacks.. Well, it was 1:00 and there were 3 people in line, and I freaked ha ha... so she dropped me off and I waited in line and had her go get the food ha ha people definitely were arriving earlier for Miranda then they were for Eric Church, and let's just say that she attracts a very unique crowd, and I'm just gonna leave it at that ha ha

Of course, we met Taylor and Mitch there and it was soooooo much fun!! They came prepared with towels, and drinks and fans ha ha ..... definitely made the time go a lot faster and was nice to have some normal, down to earth people there  ha ha
I know they were thinking the same thing about some of the people as I was ha ha

This is me and my friend Afton.... She's a little bit obsessed with Miranda Lambert ha ha But she definitely had a blast at the concert!!

It was interesting this time to talk to the people that were waiting outside with us, kinda joining in on our tailgate party.  They were definitely a lot more intense then the fans for Eric Church, which is surprising.  The people were a lot ruder, seemed more selfish and overall, not really nice people... Plus they were like stalkerish.... knew everyone's names in all the bands, the security peoples names, the merchandise peoples names... ya real intense...But anyways..... The concert was really fun!! I definitely worked up a sweat!! ha ha and it was different than Eric Church's because they had camera men and big screens, so they would scan the crowd haha my friends and I were on the jumbo screen a bunch... After the show we met up with some friends from church, they were actually at the concert and told me that whenever Miranda walked by us they could see me rocking out... ha ha .. should I be embarrassed? ha ha maybe but whatever!!  So Jerrod Niemann was the first act, and he's definitely not my favorite... had a lot of energy when he first got out there so that was awesome, but not my favorite performer or songs.  He just seems really cocky and thinks he's real hot stuff... oh well.. he's not ha ha Chris Young was next and I've seen him in concert back in Arizona, and I knew that he put on a rockin' show, and he definitely didn't disappoint!! He's actually from Murfreesboro where I live so I was trying to scream it out to make the connection but no such luck haha oh well!! I did touch his hand, as well as Jerrod and Miranda..  

Someone threw a little black dress on stage ha ha by the end of the night he threw it back into the crowd

I got the playlist!!! But really not for me, I knew that my friend Taylor loves those things so I gave it to her.. I know, I'm so nice :)
Then it was Miranda time!!! She does put on a pretty good show!! She had the Pistol Annie's come out, which was awesome 'cause I love those girls!!!  She really did put on a good concert... There were a couple of songs where I was getting emotional because of the way she was portraying the songs while she sang.
Yes her mike stand is a shot gun and it's freaking awesome!!!

She was soooo freakin' sassy!!!!

Pistol Annies
And this is her announcing another special guest...........................................................

BLAKE SHELTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let me just tell you how much I freaked when he came on stage!!!! He only sang one song but it was good enough for me!!!!! And He totally looked at me and sang the second verse together, it was awesome!!!!

Ahhhhh man, there's definitely parts of my life that I wish were better, but there are parts that I just love to death!!! and my love for concerts is one that I would never change!! I have a couple of big weeks coming up, for concerts, ha ha so I'll make sure to keep y'all updated!!!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

"Funny how a melody, sounds like a memory"

Alright y'all!!! It's the post you've been waiting for I'm sure!! It's ERIC CHURCH TIME!!!!!    If you don't already know, I went to the Eric Church, Brantley Gilbert concert here in Nashville and the Bridgestone Arena.  I bought my tickets in January, I think before I even had a job, and paid a pretty hefty price.  I wanted to make sure that I had good seats, and thought the only way to get general admission was to get these VIP Backstage tickets.... ha ha so that's what I did!! Anyways, I was sooo excited when the day finally came, because I had been waiting FOREVER to see him and everyone that knew me knew when it was and how I was about to bust!  I was afraid I might not get it off work because it ended being on Cinco De Mayo, but once I saw I had it off, I was real excited.  But then EC cancelled the show the night before his Nashville one, and I was freaking out that he might have to cancel that one as well!  Oh how I forget no one would DARE not show up for their Nashville performance, so once I got the go ahead from his facebook page that the concert was still going, I freaked out even more!!!!!  So Saturday comes, and I don't know what to wear!!! I mean I went from store to store to store trying to find a cute dress, but of course nothing looked good ,or fit right...  and then I couldn't find a cute outfit, so I ended up just making a shirt ha ha now I regret it but I just wanted to be comfortable and I knew it would be hot!!  So I threw my hair in a braid and this was the final result... Don't ask my what my shirt says, I'm an idiot :)
I'm ready!!!
So I was finally ready for the show, and if anyone knows me, I hate being late and would rather be early so I can get a good spot!! ha ha well, let's just say I got  GREAT spot! I got there at about 1:45, doors didn't open up until 6:00 and show started at 7:00....  yes do the math... There were actually 3 people in front of me in line! Crazy huh!  There was a mom who was saving a spot for her daughter, and then sisters, Carolina and Amber who had driven from North Carolina, 8 hours, to see Eric Church.... And I thought I loved music ha ha ... ya let's just say they were a little obsessed with him..  A little while a later, a couple showed up, Taylor and Mitch... they were sooo awesome!! Obviously I'm a little social butterfly and started talking to everyone or else it was gonna be a LONG 4 hour wait... it ended up being SOOO fun! We chatted the whole time, Taylor and Mitch are from Alabama, and travel alllll the time to go to concerts... Taylor is just as obsessed with concerts as me so it was sooo nice to be able to talk to someone who understood where my heart was coming from when I spoke about country music!! So we sat around and chatted the whole time, exchanged numbers, added eachother on facebook, and now me and Taylor talk all the time!! ha ha actually texting her right now as I'm writing this :)  Her and Mitch are coming up tomorrow to the Miranda Lambert concert that I'm going to and we've already planned on getting there early, being more prepared this time, and going out to eat afterwards!!
Carolina, Amber, me, Taylor...Die Hard EC Fans
Here's a picture of all us girls!!! ------->
And then there's me!! with all my goodies to go see Eric! I just went back, ate some food, and got to see him perform to accoustic songs.. I stood in the back because I wanted to hurry up and not miss Mr. Brantley!  And all those friends I met saved my spot so I was right in the front by the rail!!  I already had my red wristband so when they opened up the doors, I booked it to the floor... It was awesome!!!!
Ready to Rock
I'm gonna go ahead and just put some pics up of the concert.. to be honest, Brantley must have been having an off night 'cause he was better at country thunder in AZ when I saw him then he was this night... which sucks 'cause I really like him and wanted a good show... oh well! here are the pics for ya!! Brantley played first an then Eric came!!
No I used no zoom, yes I was that close
"Let's take it outside"
"Brotha I'm hell on wheels"
The Gang (with out new friend James)

How 'bout you!!!

It goes BANG BANG BANG while it rang rang rangs
Jack Daniels


These Boots

Ugly boots I might add


This was such an awesome concert and I loved every minute of it!!!!!! I hope y'all were able to experience a little of the greatness and excitement that I did at the concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' life & lovin' it, from the South)

Monday, May 14, 2012

"She loved life and it loved her right back"

I know, I know... I need to to write about the Eric Church concert and I promise I will... I actually didn't want to write another blog until I got my pictures on my computer and had written about the concert... But today has just been a great day and I kept feeling like I  need to put this down on paper, or computer.... same difference :)  So today I woke up and went to water aerobics, which is always a great way to start the day.  I came home and read out of the George Albert Smith manual so I could be prepared for next week's lesson.  No big insights of glory, but just a good spiritual boost.  Then I had work this morning.  It was super slow at the beginning, and then all of the sudden hell broke loose and we were packed!!  Lucky enough, there weren't any big parties or big mishaps so that's good!  I made about 70$ which I am MORE then happy and ok with :)  Then it was MOVIE TIME!!!  The theater here has $5.50 movies between 4-5:30, and I  never get to go because I'm working.  But because I had the night off, I was off in time and headed to see "The Lucky One," ha ha I know, what a surprise, and I went by myself :)  So once the movie is over, I'm driving home, just enjoying how beautiful it is outside..  I get to the road towards my house, and decide I wanna go for a walk on the greenway and take pics!! I park and pull out my camera, and it was gorgeous!!!!   And instead of bring my IPod to listen to music, I just decide to walk in silence, which if you know me, I NEVER DO!! I love me some music! :)  But it was nice to enjoy nature, to see how beautiful this world is around me, and appreciate and be grateful, today, for where I am.  I am sitting in my living room right now, doing the same thing; writing this blog, in silence, doors open, windows open and the fan a flowing.  It was such a simple day!  No big events, no life changing, earth shattering moments, no one praising me, no major decisions made, really no one around me, just a day that I enjoyed what was around me...  And how I felt the spirit these last couple of hours..  It just shows me again that these simple moments in life, that's when I feel the Spirit the most. Coincidence? I think absolutely not... And it's these moments that continue to show me how much I LOVE my simple life, when things are about the here and now, not the later..  So I just needed to get this down.  Today was a great day!! AJ, I thought of you while I was taking pictures and hope you'll be proud when you see them :)  Ladi, I thought of you too because I hope once in a while you have days like this too!! We all deserve to have days where we just realize what is important in life and how the simple can make us happy.  President Smith said in the chapter I read today that the greatest library we can have and learn from is the scriptures, this is what will help us to learn how to get back to the celestial kingdom... I feel like I had one of those days where I enjoy life, and look forward to that day of "Paradise" when I'm with those who love me unconditionally and I do them the same.  Until then, I'm going to love life and I KNOW it's going to love me right back :)

Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' life & lovin' it, from the South)

Monday, May 7, 2012

It doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

I'm sure y'all are DYING to hear about my experience at the Eric Church concert, and I promise that will come for sure!!! I just had such an AWESOME weekend!!!!! and that includes church!! It was great!! One thing that I've come to realize, and am kinda starting to be ok with, is that I might not hold a job that makes a lot of money, or makes a huge difference in the world, but that most, if not all of my influence is going to be through the church, so I really need to focus on that..  I love this line for Elder Uchtdorf's "Forget Me Not's" talk. "Our journey towards perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tiniest steps in that journey." And though yes, I'm 26 with no degree nor am I married, I am trying to find delight in the small steps that I am making in my life. So right now my life consists of this; going to work, church, church activities, and concerts.. ha ha I LOVE IT!!!!!! But I need more, so I've decided to set goals each month for 4 aspects of my life: temporal, spiritual, physical, and mental...  It was something that I felt I could do each month that, if prayed about and led by the spirit, would help me grow as a  person.  So yesterday at church I thought of the ones I'd like to do for May and here they are!
Spiritual: study my scriptures with real purpose 4x a week
Physical: exercise 3x a week
Emotional: Do 1 craft a week 
Mental: cook one meal a week
I know that these might sound dumb to some people or things that I should obviously be doing, but I know myself well enough to know that I suck at setting goals and actually sticking to them..  So my first craft I'm gonna do is make a poster or card of all my goals for this month, and I'm gonna hang it next to my calendar because it's something I look at every day when I write how much money I made for the day.  I'm pretty stoked and feel real good about this..I've been reading Elder Uchtdorf talk, "Forget Me Nots," and he says some amazing things in there.  " Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life." "The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy."  
 I'm just realizing that I have to create the greatness in my life, it's not just gonna come to me, that I want to be that truly happy person because of the small, simple things in my life, because I'm living in today, instead of the what if's of tomorrow.  So in the eyes of the world, I might not be saving lives, or making a huge difference, but in the eyes of my Heavenly Father and His children, I'm going to be exactly what He needs me to be; His hands...What that's going to mean for me, I'm not sure, but what greater accomplishment in life can there be..... :)

Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' life & lovin' it, from the South)