Monday, May 14, 2012

"She loved life and it loved her right back"

I know, I know... I need to to write about the Eric Church concert and I promise I will... I actually didn't want to write another blog until I got my pictures on my computer and had written about the concert... But today has just been a great day and I kept feeling like I  need to put this down on paper, or computer.... same difference :)  So today I woke up and went to water aerobics, which is always a great way to start the day.  I came home and read out of the George Albert Smith manual so I could be prepared for next week's lesson.  No big insights of glory, but just a good spiritual boost.  Then I had work this morning.  It was super slow at the beginning, and then all of the sudden hell broke loose and we were packed!!  Lucky enough, there weren't any big parties or big mishaps so that's good!  I made about 70$ which I am MORE then happy and ok with :)  Then it was MOVIE TIME!!!  The theater here has $5.50 movies between 4-5:30, and I  never get to go because I'm working.  But because I had the night off, I was off in time and headed to see "The Lucky One," ha ha I know, what a surprise, and I went by myself :)  So once the movie is over, I'm driving home, just enjoying how beautiful it is outside..  I get to the road towards my house, and decide I wanna go for a walk on the greenway and take pics!! I park and pull out my camera, and it was gorgeous!!!!   And instead of bring my IPod to listen to music, I just decide to walk in silence, which if you know me, I NEVER DO!! I love me some music! :)  But it was nice to enjoy nature, to see how beautiful this world is around me, and appreciate and be grateful, today, for where I am.  I am sitting in my living room right now, doing the same thing; writing this blog, in silence, doors open, windows open and the fan a flowing.  It was such a simple day!  No big events, no life changing, earth shattering moments, no one praising me, no major decisions made, really no one around me, just a day that I enjoyed what was around me...  And how I felt the spirit these last couple of hours..  It just shows me again that these simple moments in life, that's when I feel the Spirit the most. Coincidence? I think absolutely not... And it's these moments that continue to show me how much I LOVE my simple life, when things are about the here and now, not the later..  So I just needed to get this down.  Today was a great day!! AJ, I thought of you while I was taking pictures and hope you'll be proud when you see them :)  Ladi, I thought of you too because I hope once in a while you have days like this too!! We all deserve to have days where we just realize what is important in life and how the simple can make us happy.  President Smith said in the chapter I read today that the greatest library we can have and learn from is the scriptures, this is what will help us to learn how to get back to the celestial kingdom... I feel like I had one of those days where I enjoy life, and look forward to that day of "Paradise" when I'm with those who love me unconditionally and I do them the same.  Until then, I'm going to love life and I KNOW it's going to love me right back :)

Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' life & lovin' it, from the South)

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