Tuesday, January 3, 2012

“In the pursuit of happiness, one should stop, and just be happy”

And that’s what this adventure is all about. I’ve been raised in a culture that teaches you that getting married, having a family, and raising them is all that matters in life, and if you don’t do it by the age of 25, then there’s something wrong with you. And that it’s what will really make you happy. So that’s what I’ve been trying to do for the last 4 years of my life. Once I got off my mission, I figured that I would date and get married soon after. Well, like I said, 4 years later here I am, still as single as ever. Let me just tell you how bad I have felt about myself because of this fact. But why?!?! Of course I want to be married, have a family, and raise them to live productive and happy filled lives.. But how am I suppose to do that if I’m not doing it right now?! So I’m 26 and single… Why do people have to feel sorry for me! Don’t!!!! I’m becoming happy!!!! Marriage is still a goal in my life, but I can’t have it be the central goal because it does nothing but make me feel bad that I’m not. So in my pursuit for this one happiness, I’ve decided to find other things that will make me happy! And it all started with the drive to Tennessee.
A good friend came with me on this, oh forever drive!! We left Tuesday morning at about 2:00 AM, and drove, and drove, and drove. We got through Arizona pretty quickly, as well as New Mexico. Luckily there was just a tiny bit of snow on the side of the freeway through New Mexico, so no big delays. And then we got to Texas……. WOW is all I have to say about that drive!! Because we were driving in the middle of winter, we went through the middle of Texas in order to avoid the mountains in Arkansas. And we literally went through the longest part of Texas! It definitely was amazing because if you know me, you know I AM OBSESSED WITH COUNTRY!!!!!! Especially the music… and I loved pumping gas, and peeing to country music! It was the best!! And all the billboards were about country wear and such. Thought maybe I should just stop there and live, but I had to keep going.. and after 12 hours, we freaking got out of Texas!! And the rest of the trip was a breeze, or so it seemed. Louisiana, and Mississippi were driven through at night, but I could tell it was pretty!! The stars were gorgeous and it made me wish I could just pull over, bust out my portable hammock, which I am super stoked about, and just look up at them. Anyways, we stopped in Mississippi for about a 3 hour nap and just parked outside a hotel.. Not too bad, but it was definitely cold!! We woke up, and made the trek through Alabama, which sad to say, is a very dirty state, and finally into the blessed Tennessee!!! Southern Tennessee is gorgeous!! Very green, with many trees!! I was smiling the whole time driving through it because I just couldn’t believe that I had moved there. I couldn’t believe that I had finally made a decision and gone through with it. 28 hours, and 7 states later, I had finally made a change in my life. And quite a drastic one too!! We were so blessed the whole time driving because nothing happened to us or the car. The Lord was definitely watching over us.
So we got to Tennessee just vegged the first day. Thursday we unpacked all my stuff and I got my room all ready. I am now sleeping on an air mattress but that’s ok! I’m happy! J Thursday night, we went to this club where girls got in for free so that was awesome!! But what was even better was that it was country music all night and only line dancing! And let me tell you how intense these people are about their line dancing!! They do it to everything! Hip hop, slow songs, anything with a beat, they will line dance to it. So I’m very excited about how good I’m gonna get…. Hopefully :P Then Friday was our real day out.. in NASHVILLE!!!!! And let me tell you it was nothing like I expected…. It definitely did reaffirm that I’m not a city girl and do not ever want to live in a city…. One way streets, having to wait for pedestrians, bars everywhere, busy traffic…. Yah definitely not my cup of tea. We went to eat at a placed called “Cadillac Ranch,” and just ordered some appetizers. The best part was that there was a live band, who was playing almost all country, so you can only imagine how happy I was!! It was awesome! We hung out there for about 2 hours or so. We then just walked around some shops and I was trying to absorb the city. We ended up in a karaoke bar, and guess who got up and sang…. That’s right, me! I actually sang like 4 songs!! Crazy huh!!! The one song that I felt the most impowered singing was “Settlin’” by Sugarland. I decided that this is like my theme for life right now! I’ll talk about that later for sure! There were some older people there, probably in their 40s, a couple cowboys with them and they rocked!! They were so fun and definitely made the night great! We ate at a place called “Dick’s” where the servers were meant to be rude. It was really weird ‘cause our guy was like, vulgar to us, and I definitely didn’t expect that from the sweet South! And then we went to the infamous Coyote Ugly Bar…. Let me just say, I have never felt so dirty before in my life… Nor have I ever been so embarrassed to be a woman as I did there. These girls have like no respect for themselves or dignity. I honestly was disgusted. So we weren’t there for very long and then we headed to the White Horse Saloon and that was fun!! We just did a bunch of line dancing there, while a live band was playing. So all and all, it was a great day!!

And now it’s just on the hunt for a job. I have another interview at Chili’s tomorrow, but it’s only a weekend job, but hey it’s something right!? I’m gonna be grateful for whatever I get! I’m excited to do things that I want to do and live my life to the fullest! I’m doing my best to move forward but sometimes it’s hard for me to be positive all the time. I’m definitely doing my best and it’s a day to day choice. I heard it said that attitude is like choosing what you’re going to wear everyday. It’s a choice. Sometimes I get down thinking about how things could be, but I have to remember that everything happens for a reason. And that those things that seem like they’re the end, might actually be a new beginning. So here’s to a bunch of new beginnings… hope you enjoy the ride!
Love Y'all
Lil' Miss Lolo <3
(Livin' Life and Lovin' it from the South)

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