Tuesday, January 3, 2012

There's a lot to think about, but nothing to worry about

The start of a new year has brought many changes in my life! First, I never thought I would ever start a blog! Haha anyone that knows me realizes that I can chat it up with the best of them, but when it comes to writing it down, that’s gonna be a negatory for me. So this is definitely a change for me and we’ll see how it goes. Another big change with this new year is my zipcode!! 37129, I think.. haha I keep on forgetting! Yes I finally moved out of that great state of Arizona to……….TENNESSEE!!!! Crazy I know, but I figured why not! I’m 26, single, and have nothing holding me to any specific place in this world. Yes, I love my family and I will miss them, but I’m pretty sure they’re just as happy as me getting out of there as I am! Why Tennesse you ask, it’s real simple: I love country. Anything country…music, lifestyle, accents, outdoors, anything that makes you think of country, I love…. So somewhere in the south only seemed right. I don’t know anyone here, nor do I have a job. And that’s where my title for this blog comes in, “there’s a lot to think about, but nothing to worry about.” This has been my motto since I saw it about 4 months ago on a rerun of “extreme home makeover.” Those that know me well, know how much of a worrier I am. I like to plan ahead, which is good so I’m prepared, but it’s not easy for me to let go of things. And this is what this year is all about, letting go. Life is constantly changing, which means that we, as people, are constantly changing and becoming better and better. But the only way to do that is to move forward, and not dwell on the past. Our choices in the past, whether good ones of mistakes, are there to help refine us. They don’t define who we are as people, unless we continue to allow them to worry us. Yes it’s good to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going, but it’s more important to be in the moment and be the best person you can right then… That’s what this move is about for me. I’m continually changing and growing into a new person everyday! I have found out so much about myself within the last couple of years. Some things I wish I didn’t know, but that’s what life is about: becoming, not being.. And the only way I am able to do this is because of the Gospel. There are many people in this life that will never allow others to change. Unfortunately I was one of them. I remember holding such harsh feelings against my siblings with the mistakes they made. But who the hell am I to do that?! And they were very honest and open and choices that they made, but I’m afraid to let them down. But I need compassion and an opportunity to change just as much as everyone else. The Gospel teaches me that this life is all about change, about being better then we were the day before!! I can’t even describe how greatful I am for that!! If it wasn’t for the Gospel, I would be at a low that I’m not sure I would ever be able to get out of. The Gospel allows us to take our lows and use them as springboards to get up and go again. Forever I will be grateful for that!

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